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Hinduja Family Members Sentenced for Exploitation of Domestic Workers in Geneva



Hinduja Family Members Sentenced For Exploitation Of Domestic Workers In Geneva

A Swiss criminal court handed down sentences to four members of the wealthy Hinduja family for exploiting their domestic workers at their Geneva villa. The court sentenced Prakash Hinduja, age 79, and Kamal Hinduja, age 75, along with Ajay Hinduja and Namrata, to prison terms ranging from four to 4 1/2 years. The charges included exploitation and unauthorized employment. A business manager, Najib Ziazi, received an 18-month suspended sentence.

The Hindujas, who found success initially distributing Bollywood films, have diversified their family business into finance, media, and energy sectors. They are estimated to have a collective wealth of $14 billion, ranking them among Asia‘s wealthiest families and have stakes in publicly traded Indian companies.

The family members were accused of confiscating passports, underpaying staff, and creating a ‘climate of fear’. Workers were allegedly forced to work long hours, sleep in the villa’s basement and paid meager wages. Prosecutors highlighted exploitation, providing minimal health benefits, and paying below standard wages in Switzerland.

The Swiss court dismissed human trafficking charges but upheld accusations of exploitation and unauthorised employment. The workers, often Hindi speakers without proper Swiss documentation, were reportedly paid in rupees to inaccessible bank accounts in India.

The family’s legal team has announced they will appeal the verdict. Swiss authorities have seized assets including diamonds and jewelry as potential repayments for legal fees. The family’s estimated net worth is approximately $20 billion, according to Forbes.

Rachel Adams

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