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Hong Kong Woman’s Inspiring Fitness Journey Leads to 14kg Weight Loss and New Passions



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Charmaine Rangel, a 45-year-old woman residing in Hong Kong, embarked on a remarkable fitness journey that resulted in a significant 14kg weight loss and a newfound passion for cycling. Four years after first trying horse riding in 2019 and failing to meet the weight limit for riders at a local equestrian center, Rangel was motivated to make a change.

Weighing 73kg in January 2023, just above the 70kg limit, Rangel was determined to shed the extra weight that had accumulated over the years. Her journey was influenced by concerns about her own health, her family’s well-being, and a desire to pursue her passions.

Rangel’s weight loss story is not unfamiliar to many women who have struggled with unhealthy eating habits and self-esteem issues. She found herself snacking on chips, Nutella, and ice cream while noticing unwanted fat on her stomach and thighs in the mirror.

Having battled weight gain previously in 2014, where she lost 15kg through unsustainable methods, Rangel decided to take a different approach this time. With the help of a personal trainer at Square Fitness and adopting a healthier diet, she managed to achieve remarkable results.

Aside from her gym routine, Rangel reignited her love for cycling, starting with rides in her new neighborhood of Lohas Park. Gradually increasing her mileage, she now cycles three to four times a week, with aspirations of tackling challenging road race stages in the future.

A key tool in Rangel’s weight loss journey was the MyFitnessPal app, which allowed her to track her progress and manage her caloric intake effectively. By setting achievable goals and making sustainable lifestyle changes, she successfully reached her target weight of 59kg by the end of 2023.

Rangel’s daily diet now consists of nutritious meals like Greek yogurt with fruits, lentils, vegetables, and lean proteins. She also allows herself occasional treats to maintain a balanced approach to eating.

With the support of her family, including her husband Nigel and son Mikhail, who have also embraced healthier habits, Rangel’s transformation has inspired those around her. Her commitment to fitness, improved energy levels, and overall well-being serve as a testament to the positive impact of leading a healthy lifestyle.

As Rangel continues to pursue her passions and prioritize her health, her journey stands as a beacon of motivation for others looking to make positive changes in their lives.

Rachel Adams

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