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India-Bangladesh Bilateral Meeting at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi



India Bangladesh Bilateral Meeting At Rashtrapati Bhavan, Delhi

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India convened with ministers and delegates from both nations at the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi.

Sheikh Hasina’s visit, initiated on a Friday afternoon, marks a historic two-day state visit at the invitation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the first such bilateral visit post the formation of the BJP-led NDA alliance government.

The discussions encompassed a range of topics including potential trade pacts, existing bilateral ties, and the signing of multiple agreements and MoUs to further strengthen the robust regional partnership between Dhaka and New Delhi.

Over the past decade, numerous cross-border initiatives have been launched as part of a comprehensive regional partnership plan to enhance cooperation and foster economic growth.

This marks Sheikh Hasina’s second visit to the Indian capital within a span of 15 days, as she was among the dignitaries invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony held on June 9th.

Rachel Adams

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