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Japanese Tennis Star Kei Nishikori Outlasts Canadian Gabriel Diallo in Epic French Open Battle



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Japanese tennis icon Kei Nishikori displayed sheer grit and resilience as he triumphed over up-and-coming Canadian talent Gabriel Diallo in a nail-biting five-set thriller at the French Open in Paris. The epic battle, lasting a marathon 4 hours and 22 minutes, saw Nishikori’s vintage style overpower the Montreal-native Diallo.

In a showdown jam-packed with twists and turns, Nishikori’s precise groundstrokes and years of big-match experience ultimately proved pivotal, securing him a hard-fought victory over the 22-year-old talent from Montreal.

The first-round clash marked a significant milestone for Nishikori, who savored his first triumph since the previous August, unleashing a total of 45 winners and breaking serve an impressive six times amidst the closely contested match.

Being the first appearance at a Grand Slam event since the 2021 US Open, this victory also marked another notable feat for Nishikori, bringing his career grand total to 103 major match wins.

The tale of the match began with Diallo’s aggressive approach, swiftly seizing an early lead over Nishikori by breaking his serve, creating a 4-1 advantage in the opening set. The Montreal youngster’s heavy groundstrokes and potent serves initially put the veteran Nishikori on the back foot, setting the stage for a dramatic showdown.

As Diallo surged to a 5-2 lead in the opening set, Nishikori dug deep, initiating a stellar comeback. With unwavering determination, he broke Diallo’s serve to narrow the gap, surviving two set points and eventually clinching the opener 7-5 after a pulsating 61-minute tussle.

The second set witnessed a seesaw battle, with both players exchanging breaks early on before leveling the set score. Nishikori’s composure shone through as he fended off a set point against Diallo, eventually wresting control of a tiebreak to claim the set 7-6(3).

Following a daunting two-set deficit, Diallo engineered an inspiring momentum shift in the third set. Notably, at a crunch point with Diallo facing two break points at 2-3, 15-40, the Canadian prodigy showcased his mettle, crafting a critical hold of serve, sparking a four-game streak to clinch the set swiftly.

The fourth set saw Diallo building on his newfound confidence, delivering a masterclass in aggressive play, breaking Nishikori twice and comfortably leveling the match at two sets apiece with a commanding 6-1 victory.

In a dramatic turn of events, Nishikori strategically utilized a medical timeout ahead of the fifth set, rejuvenating his energy and precision. The seasoned Japanese star’s counterpunching skills and calculated net play eventually proved decisive, as he held firm against Diallo’s relentless pressure to edge out a 6-4 win in the final set.

For Nishikori, this triumph not only marked a remarkable comeback but also highlighted his enduring prowess on the grand stage of the French Open. In contrast, Diallo, despite a valiant effort, faced the disappointment of his first main draw loss at a Grand Slam after earlier navigating through the qualifiers with three consecutive wins.

Rachel Adams

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