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KEAM 2024 Results Declared: CEE Kerala Releases Engineering and Pharmacy Exam Scores



Keam 2024 Results Declared: Cee Kerala Releases Engineering And Pharmacy Exam Scores

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) Kerala has officially announced the results for the Kerala Engineering, Agriculture, and Medical Entrance Examination (KEAM) 2024 today, June 20. Aspirants who took part in this highly anticipated entrance test can now access the KEAM 2024 result and rank list on the official website

The KEAM Result notice states that the normalized scores obtained by candidates in the Engineering/Pharmacy Computer Based (CBT) Entrance Examination for Kerala-2024 have been published on the website. To view the results, candidates are required to provide their registration number and date of birth.

Candidates who qualify in the KEAM 2024 exam will be eligible to participate in the upcoming counseling process. The rank list for the Engineering course will be determined by considering the normalized scores from the Engineering Entrance Examinations.

For the B. Pharm course, the rank list will be prepared using the index mark calculated as per the KEAM 2024 Prospectus. Seats will be allocated to candidates through the Centralised Allotment Process (CAP-2024) based on the KEAM 2024 rank list, with each course having its specific set of ranking criteria.

Rachel Adams

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