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Kelly Stone Shares Heartfelt Mother’s Day Message Amidst Custody Battle



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Kelly Stone, an esteemed educator, comedian, and devoted mother, has penned a poignant message on Mother's Day, shedding light on the challenges faced within the family court system amidst a custody battle.

Having been divorced in 2011 while retaining primary custody of her sons, Kelly Stone and her children have endured 655 days of turmoil within the legal system.

The ordeal began when Stone expressed her desire to pursue higher education outside her immediate county, a decision that led to her rights as a mother being questioned and ultimately disregarded.

The pain of being separated from her children, not knowing when she will hold them again, has left Stone and many other mothers grappling with the shortcomings of a legal system meant to safeguard children’s best interests.

Having conquered challenges like finishing the grueling Texas Water Safari in a solo, partially broken boat, Stone emphasizes that the emotional toll of the custody battle surpasses any physical endurance she has faced.

Calling for urgent reforms within the family court system, Kelly Stone advocates for policies that prioritize children’s emotional needs and laws that uphold familial bonds even in times of separation.

As Mother’s Day is celebrated worldwide, Stone’s heartfelt message underscores the necessity for a system that truly serves the well-being of children and families, urging fellow mothers to unite and demand change.

Rachel Adams

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