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Labour Controversy: Luke Akehurst Defends UN Antisemitism Comments Amid Backlash



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Luke Akehurst, a prominent figure within the Labour Party known for his contentious views on Israel and Palestine, has come under fire once again for his assertion that the United Nations is antisemitic. Akehurst, who has been selected as a candidate to stand in North Durham, has faced criticism over his past remarks, especially regarding Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Despite the backlash, Akehurst stood by his comment, defending it as a valid perspective given the UN‘s perceived bias against Israel. He pointed out that some member states within the UN express antisemitic sentiments towards Israel, citing countries like Iran as examples. Akehurst’s views have sparked divisions within the Labour Party, with some questioning his suitability as a candidate.

Before his candidacy was announced, Akehurst purged over 2,000 social media posts, including controversial tweets supporting Israel’s settlements and questioning the authenticity of videos from Gaza. However, several of his contentious tweets, such as labelling the UN as antisemitic, remain online, drawing further scrutiny.

As the former director of We Believe In Israel, Akehurst has been a staunch advocate for Israel. He has recently stepped down from his position in the organization to focus on his parliamentary aspirations. Despite facing backlash, Akehurst reiterated his sympathy for both Israelis and Palestinians, expressing support for a two-state solution.

Akehurst’s history of activism within the Labour Party dates back to his involvement with Labour Students and his tenure as a councillor in Hackney. His controversial views and his role in shaping Labour’s internal dynamics, particularly in countering the influence of the Corbynite left, have made him a polarizing figure within the party.

With his candidacy approved by the NEC and the backing of Labour to Win, Akehurst’s entry into the North Durham race has reignited debates about Labour’s ideological direction. As Keir Starmer seeks to consolidate control over the party, Akehurst’s candidacy symbolizes the ongoing struggle between different factions within Labour.

Rachel Adams

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