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Labour Department Explores Feasibility of Shorter Working Hours for South African Workers



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The Labour Department in South Africa is currently investigating the potential of reducing working hours for the nation’s workforce. South Africa is known for having some of the longest working hours globally, prompting a reevaluation of the current labor practices.

Dieter von Fintel, a respected developmental economist, has shared insights on the feasibility of implementing shorter working hours. While a reduction in work hours may be desirable for many workers, there are considerations regarding the financial implications for employees.

Von Fintel highlights that while the idea of shorter shifts is appealing, it is essential to assess whether workers would be financially able to support themselves with reduced hours. This raises questions about income stability and the overall impact on individuals’ livelihoods.

The potential shift towards shorter working hours reflects an ongoing global conversation about work-life balance and employee well-being. It also underscores the need for strategic planning and policies to ensure that any changes benefit both workers and employers in the long term.

Rachel Adams

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