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DA Leaders Zille and Leon to Lead Coalition Negotiations for New South African Government



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Former leaders of the Democratic Alliance (DA), Helen Zille and Tony Leon, alongside key party members, have been tasked with spearheading negotiations to form a new coalition government in South Africa. The team, which includes Western Cape Premier Alan Winde, parliamentary chief whip Siviwe Gwarube, deputy federal chairperson Ivan Meyer, and Ryan Coetzee, will engage in talks with various political entities over the next two weeks.

In a recent address, DA leader John Steenhuisen acknowledged the uncertainty and anxiety among South Africans regarding the country’s future. The negotiation team’s primary objective is to explore options for the DA to navigate the post-election landscape and potentially establish a coalition government.

The DA secured 21.76% of the vote in the general election, falling short of the Multi-Party Charter’s target. With the ANC receiving only 41% of the vote, formal coalition discussions are set to commence imminently.

Rumors suggest ongoing talks among senior leaders of the ANC, EFF, and MK Party to form a coalition government, excluding President Ramaphosa. While informal discussions between the DA and factions within the ANC linked to Ramaphosa have been rumored, no concrete agreements have been reached.

Steenhuisen highlighted the risk of an ANC-EFF-MK Party coalition, emphasizing the potential threat to South Africa’s democratic principles. The DA remains committed to upholding the Constitution, combating corruption, and fostering economic growth.

The Federal Executive of the DA has authorized the negotiation team to engage in initial talks and assess the available governance options. The outcome of these discussions will determine the party’s strategic direction in the wake of the 2024 election results.

Rachel Adams

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