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Leicester Museum Hosts Captivating Snake Exhibition



Leicester Museum Hosts Captivating Snake Exhibition
Leicester Museum Hosts Captivating Snake Exhibition

Leicester Museum & Art Gallery will be welcoming an extraordinary exhibition this summer, shedding light on the enigmatic world of snakes. Opening to the public on Saturday, the display will showcase a variety of iconic reptiles including the cobra, rattlesnake, and the massive green anaconda. A highlight of the exhibition will be a 13ft-long skeleton of a Burmese python, offering visitors a glimpse into the anatomy of these formidable creatures.

Featuring a total of 15 displays, the exhibition will not only spotlight exotic snakes but also include those commonly found in the UK such as the grass snake and the adder. Utilizing taxidermied snakes, skeletons, and models, the exhibition aims to elucidate the diverse habitats that these reptiles inhabit, as well as explore their unique form and function.

Accompanying the displays will be interactive elements providing engaging insights into the weight, length, feeding habits, and camouflage techniques of various snake species. Additionally, award-winning images capturing snakes in their natural environments worldwide will enhance the visitor experience.

The exhibition, created by Blue Tokay, is titled ‘Secret World of Snakes’ and will run from June 8th to September 1st. Entrance is free of charge, offering a captivating experience for families and nature enthusiasts in Leicester and beyond.

Please note that the exhibition will not feature live snakes, and no harm came to any snakes in the making of this educational display.

Image Caption: Sunda Island pit viper, © Blue Tokay

Rachel Adams

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