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US Libertarian Party Names Chase Oliver as Presidential Candidate, Rejects Trump and Kennedy



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The Libertarian Party in the United States has selected Chase Oliver as its presidential nominee, rebuffing attempts by prominent figures such as Donald Trump and Kennedy. The decision came after a series of intense rounds of voting during the party’s convention in Washington DC.

Chase Oliver, known for his advocacy for a ceasefire in conflict zones like Gaza, secured about 60 percent of the votes from Libertarian delegates, positioning himself as a key player in the upcoming election against President Joe Biden.

Oliver’s victory signifies a shift for the party, which traditionally struggles to gain traction in national elections. With the resurgence of Trump and Biden on the political stage, the Libertarians’ decision to nominate Oliver has garnered significant attention.

Leading up to his nomination, Oliver emphasized his antiwar activism and commitment to individual liberties. His campaign also received substantial donations, setting him apart from other Libertarian candidates vying for the presidential nomination.

During the convention, Donald Trump and Kennedy made unsuccessful appeals to the Libertarian party members, with Trump facing backlash and jeers from the audience. Despite their efforts, Oliver emerged victorious and accepted the nomination with a pledge to shake up the political landscape.

In his acceptance speech, Oliver stressed the need for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticized the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by both Trump and Biden. He positioned himself as a fresh alternative to the current political establishment, advocating for significant reforms in government policies.

With Oliver as the presidential nominee, the Libertarians aim to attract young voters disillusioned with the traditional Democratic and Republican parties. His platform includes major budget cuts, the abolition of the death penalty, and a reevaluation of military support to countries like Israel and Ukraine.

Oliver’s running mate, Mike ter Maat, adds further depth to the Libertarian ticket, creating a formidable challenge to the mainstream candidates in the upcoming election. As the campaign unfolds, Oliver’s vision for a more inclusive and libertarian America could reshape the political landscape.

Rachel Adams

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