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Louis Tomlinson Organizes Impromptu Glastonbury Viewing Party for England’s Euro Match



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Former One Direction member Louis Tomlinson emerged as a surprise hero at Glastonbury, setting up his own TV for festival-goers to enjoy England‘s crucial Euro match. The dilemma arose when festival organizers announced they wouldn’t screen the match due to scheduled performances.

To the delight of England fans, Louis Tomlinson took matters into his own hands, purchasing a TV and generator from a nearby Argos after facing a poor reception at the festival’s hospitality section. Setting up the impromptu screening in a camping area, hundreds flocked to watch the game despite a slightly unreliable signal.

After England’s dramatic victory with a last-minute equalizer by Jude Bellingham and a winning goal in extra time by Harry Kane, Tomlinson received praise from fans who dubbed him the ‘god of the festival’ for his initiative.

Despite concerns about crowd safety and a compromise being reached to move the screening away from the main thoroughfare, festival-goers celebrated England’s triumph wildly, with one fan even lighting a flare in excitement.

Rachel Adams

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