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Luxury Perfume Companies Linked to Child Labor in Jasmine Fields



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An investigation by the BBC has uncovered troubling connections between luxury perfume companies and child labor in the jasmine fields of Egypt. Specifically, jasmine used by Lancôme and Aerin Beauty’s suppliers has been sourced through the labor of minors, despite the companies claiming to have a zero-tolerance policy on child labor.

The jasmine in question comes from Egypt, a country that produces a significant portion of the world’s jasmine flowers used in perfumes. Industry insiders have revealed that budget constraints imposed by conglomerates owning these luxury brands have led to extremely low wages for jasmine pickers, compelling them to involve their children in the work.

During undercover operations in Egyptian jasmine fields, the BBC captured shocking footage during the picking season, shedding light on the exploitation of children in the industry. Heba, a jasmine picker in Gharbia, detailed the harsh reality of her family starting work at 3 AM to pick flowers, with her young children forced to assist to make ends meet.

The factories that extract oil from the jasmine flowers, including A Fakhry and Co, Hashem Brothers, and Machalico, are responsible for setting the prices paid to pickers like Heba. The pressure to keep costs low often results in child labor as families struggle to survive in dire economic conditions.

Perfume companies, such as L’Oréal and Estée Lauder, exert significant control over the supply chain, dictating budgets to fragrance houses like Givaudan. This budget-centric approach trickles down and impacts wages, leading to exploitative practices.

The auditing systems in place, such as Sedex and UEBT, have come under scrutiny for their shortcomings. Reports obtained by the BBC show that while issues of human rights violations were flagged, the companies still received certifications for responsibly sourced jasmine oil.

Responses from the involved parties vary, with A Fakhry and Co denying the use of child labor and emphasizing measures taken to prevent it. Other stakeholders, like Givaudan and Firmenich, have expressed alarm at the findings and committed to addressing the issue collectively.

L’Oréal and Estée Lauder have acknowledged the risks in their supply chains and pledged to take action to mitigate child labor. However, the complex socio-economic factors driving this exploitation in the jasmine industry present significant challenges.

As the investigation sheds light on the dark realities behind luxury perfumes, calls for corporate accountability and systemic change grow louder. The plight of jasmine pickers like Heba and her children underscores the urgent need for ethical sourcing practices and robust oversight in the fragrance industry.

Rachel Adams

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