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Man Arrested in Melbourne’s CBD Police Operation



Man Arrested In Melbourne's Cbd Police Operation
Man Arrested In Melbourne's Cbd Police Operation

A 33-year-old man has been apprehended by Victoria Police following a security scare in the heart of Melbourne‘s CBD, specifically on Collins Street. The incident prompted a lockdown of certain buildings in the area, impacting the usual flow of trams and urging some workers to remain indoors.

Authorities swiftly clarified that the situation was unrelated to terrorism and posed no immediate danger to the populace. Investigators from the Arson and Explosives Squad will question the arrested individual as part of their ongoing inquiry.

The dramatic scene featured the Bomb Response Unit inspecting a white hatchback on Collins Street, attracting attention from passersby and workers alike. Notably, the nearby bank, which incidentally was the backdrop for the police activity, was not implicated in the unfolding events.

The collaborative efforts of Victoria Police, including the strategic deployment of specialized units like the Arson and Explosives Squad and the Bomb Response Unit, effectively diffused the tense situation and brought about a sense of relief to the CBD community. As normalcy resumes on Collins Street, the local authorities continue to ensure the safety and security of all residents and workers in the area.

Rachel Adams

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