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Mansfield Counts Votes in 2024 PCC and Mayoral Elections



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The town of Mansfield was a hive of activity today as residents eagerly awaited the results of the 2024 Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Mayoral elections.

Candidates such as Frank Adlington-Stringer, Ben Bradley, Alan Graves, Matt Relf, Helen Tamblyn-Saville, and Clare Ward were all vying for important roles in the local government.

With the electorate on the edge of their seats, the PCC turnout and the overall East Midlands Mayoral turnout were key figures driving the day’s events.

As the clock struck 1.30pm, the counting process began, with scrutineers working diligently to tally and verify the votes cast.

Among the frontrunners in the PCC race were Gary Godden representing the Labour party, Caroline Henry for the Conservatives, and David Watts flying the flag for the Liberal Democrats.

The atmosphere at the counting site was tense yet hopeful, with supporters of each candidate nervously anticipating the final results.

After a day filled with anticipation, the moment of truth arrived as Mansfield prepared to reveal who would be leading the critical positions in the local government.

Rachel Adams

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