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Mizoram Pollution Control Board Holds Commemorative Event for World Environment Day 2024



Mizoram Pollution Control Board Holds Commemorative Event For World Environment Day 2024
Mizoram Pollution Control Board Holds Commemorative Event For World Environment Day 2024

Today, on June 5th, Mizoram Pollution Control Board organized a significant event to commemorate World Environment Day (WED) 2024 at the Chanmari YMA Hall. The event was graced by Pi Rebec Lalhruaimawii and chaired by the Chairman of MPCB, Pu Liankima Lailung (IFS Rtd.). The discussions primarily focused on the importance of water and air pollution mitigation measures and encouraged the community to actively participate in preserving the environment.

MPCB emphasized the urgent need for sustainable water resource management and waste disposal practices. Highlighting the severity of current environmental challenges, they stressed the crucial role of individuals in contributing to the preservation of the ecosystem. The event aimed to raise awareness among the public about the pressing issues and potential solutions for environmental conservation.

The Mizoram Environmental NGOs Coordination Committee (MENCO) presented insightful data through a detailed PowerPoint presentation, outlining various environmental concerns and proposed strategies for sustainable living. Emphasizing the collective responsibility of society, MENCO urged citizens to prioritize eco-conscious decisions to safeguard the environment and future generations.

Pu Benjamin Lalnunsanga Colney from Mizoram EIACP Hub shared the initiatives undertaken by MPCB during this year’s World Environment Day celebrations. These included district-level mass rallies and an E-Waste Management Drive across Aizawl. Additionally, the program offered incentives such as cash prizes and certificates to encourage active participation in waste reduction and recycling efforts.

Rachel Adams

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