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PM Modi Signs First File on Farmer Welfare After Taking Charge



Pm Modi Signs First File On Farmer Welfare After Taking Charge

After assuming office for the third term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took swift action by signing his initial official file, authorizing the release of the 17th instalment of the PM Kisan Nidhi scheme. This crucial move aims to benefit approximately 9.3 crore farmers across the nation, with an estimated distribution of around ₹20,000 crores.

Expressing his unwavering commitment to the welfare of farmers, PM Modi stated, ‘Our government places the utmost importance on Kisan Kalyan. Thus, it is apt that the inaugural file signed upon taking office pertains to the well-being of farmers. We are determined to further enhance our efforts for the agricultural sector and the farmers in the days ahead.’

As the portfolio allocation process unfolds after the recent swearing-in ceremony, all eyes are keenly focused on the strategic decisions in the new Cabinet. Anticipation is high for the forthcoming Cabinet meeting of the newly appointed Ministers, expected to convene on June 10 to set the agenda for the government’s priorities.

The grand oath-taking ceremony on June 9 witnessed PM Narendra Modi, along with 71 other Council of Ministers members, affirming their commitment to nation-building. The diverse composition of the Council, with 72 members sworn in out of the allowed 81 slots, underscores a blend of continuity and change within the coalition government.

Noteworthy is the significant representation accorded to the allies of the BJP in the NDA, as they secure 11 crucial portfolios in the ministerial lineup. This inclusive approach signals a collaborative governance model focusing on both sustained governance practices and fresh perspectives to address contemporary challenges.

Rachel Adams

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