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New WHO Framework Aims for Global Control of Monkeypox Spread



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A new framework introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) is targeting the containment and eventual elimination of the spread of Mpox, caused by the Monkeypox Virus, across the globe. Mpox presents with symptoms like a painful rash, fever, and swollen lymph nodes, with some cases resulting in severe illness. The virus is primarily transmitted through close contact among individuals and has animal reservoirs in various regions of Africa.

Distinctly, the Monkeypox Virus has two distinct clades, with Clade I outbreaks showing higher mortality rates compared to Clade II. A previous outbreak from July 2022 to May 2023, classified as Clade II, reached a significant number of countries globally and was declared a Public Health Emergency. Despite this outbreak slowing down, ongoing concerns remain about low-level transmission worldwide. The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently experiencing a major outbreak of Mpox’s Clade II variant, resulting in a considerable number of cases and deaths, particularly affecting children.

The overarching objective of the WHO’s new framework is to completely halt human-to-human transmission of Mpox. This mission is to be achieved through three key strategies: controlling outbreaks in all contexts, advancing research and access to treatments, and minimizing zoonotic transmission. Central to this plan is the need for sustainable, long-term actions that are meticulously coordinated.

WHO’s framework outlines a precise timeline for controlling and eliminating Mpox outbreaks. By establishing specific epidemiological criteria for different transmission levels in communities, effective mitigation strategies are provided for each level. The ultimate goal is to develop comprehensive Mpox control plans, engage communities, reduce stigma for better healthcare access, and enhance testing capabilities to monitor outbreaks successfully.

GlobalData’s report highlighted over 66,000 cases of Mpox in 2022 across ten key markets, excluding ongoing high-mortality outbreaks like the one in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The US alone reported over 30,000 cases in 2022, predominantly among Hispanic or Black men aged between 25 and 39. The complexity of the issue across various contexts underscores the necessity for a new approach to Mpox control and prevention led by the WHO.

Integration of surveillance with existing health programs and improved health system readiness before outbreaks occur are emphasized in the new WHO framework. By aligning Mpox control strategies with routine health services, the WHO aims to contribute to better health outcomes globally for all individuals.

Rachel Adams

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