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Newly Appointed Ministers Under Pressure to Prioritize Key Programs in Service Delivery



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Following the recent appointments of new ministers in key portfolios, there is mounting pressure on them to prioritize crucial programs in service delivery across various sectors.

Pemmy Majodina, the Minister of Water and Sanitation, faces calls to address the urgent need for delivering clean water, particularly in Hammanskraal, following a tragic cholera outbreak. Advocates like Jeffrey Nyatikazi emphasize the importance of upgrading the Rooiwal plant and eradicating the current water tank system.

Siviwe Gwarube, the newly appointed Minister of Basic Education, is urged by education activists like Hendrick Makaneta to eliminate pit latrines in schools, focusing on rural areas, and ensure scholar transport availability. Equal Education’s Noncedo Madubedube stresses the need for regulations to support historically disadvantaged schools.

Nomakhosazana Meth, the Minister of Employment and Labour, is urged by Cosatu to enhance public employment programs linked to the National Minimum Wage and modernize labor market institutions, including the UIF and Compensation Fund.

The Minister of Police, Senzo Mchunu, is encouraged to strengthen community partnerships, invest in technology, and request a budget increase to combat crime effectively, as highlighted by law enforcement expert Mpho Matlala.

For the newly appointed Minister of Social Development, Sisisi Tolashe, addressing the lack of support and funding for NPOs is a crucial priority according to gender-based violence organizations like Jason’s Angels and projects like the Life-Changing Project.

Aaron Motsoaledi, the new Minister of Health, is tasked with improving primary healthcare, establishing the NHI board, and enhancing dialogue for the effective implementation of the National Health Insurance, as emphasized by the Rural Health Advocacy Project’s Russell Rensburg.

Rachel Adams

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