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NFL Bans Hip-Drop Tackle Technique Following Unanimous Owner Approval



The National Football League (NFL) has officially banned the hip-drop tackle technique during the Annual League Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This decision comes after unanimous approval from team owners, as announced by the league.

The NFL’s Competition Committee was instrumental in highlighting the dangers of the hip-drop tackle, leading to the unanimous agreement among the owners to outlaw the maneuver.

The banned technique is described in the new rule as a specific way of bringing a runner to the ground, involving the player grabbing the runner and unweighting themselves by dropping their hips or lower body to trap the runner’s leg(s) below the knee.

Penalties for utilizing the hip-drop tackle will result in a loss of 15 yards and an automatic first down for the opposing team, emphasizing the severity of the violation.

Last week, the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) expressed concerns about the ban on the hip-drop tackle, with Executive Director Lloyd Howell and players on the executive committee questioning the enforceability and fairness of the ruling.

In response to the NFLPA’s concerns, NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations Troy Vincent stressed the importance of player safety and reducing the injury risk associated with the hip-drop tackle. The league cited a significant increase in injury rates due to this specific technique.

During the discussions, NFL Competition Committee Chairman Rich McKay highlighted the committee’s focus on protecting the runners from potentially injurious tackles, stating that the ban on the hip-drop tackle was necessary to ensure player safety.

With the new rule in place, defenders will need to adapt their tackling techniques to comply with the regulations set forth by the league. The league anticipates working closely with coaches to educate players on alternative, safer tackling methods.

Alongside the ban on the hip-drop tackle, the NFL also approved two additional rule changes related to challenge rules and the enforcement of major fouls by the offensive team preceding a change of possession.

As the league moves forward with implementing the new rule, it remains to be seen how players and coaches will adjust their strategies to conform to the regulations and prioritize player safety on the field.

Rachel Adams

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