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Nigel Farage Questions Management of Reform UK Amid Defections



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Nigel Farage, the leader of Reform UK, has raised concerns about the party’s management prior to his takeover last month, labeling it a ‘shambles’. Farage expressed surprise at the state of the party and the challenges he faced upon assuming leadership.

Farage, who recently announced his intention to run as a parliamentary candidate in Clacton, admitted to feeling overwhelmed by the condition in which he found Reform UK. He described the situation as a ‘bit of a shambles’, indicating he was unaware of the extent of the internal issues.

Two candidates, Liam Booth-Isherwood and others, have defected from Reform UK to the Daily Express following allegations of a toxic internal environment within the party. Reports have surfaced claiming that the majority of Reform UK’s candidates hold racist, misogynistic, and bigoted views.

In a recent interview with GB News, Farage expressed his disappointment with the unprofessional nature of the party management, describing it as relatively amateur and startup-like. Despite these challenges, he affirmed his commitment to leading the party, noting the substantial financial investment made by the previous leader.

When questioned about whether he would have taken on the leadership role with prior knowledge of the party’s issues, Farage hesitated to give a direct answer. He criticized the party’s candidate selection process, suggesting that it lacked stringency and proper vetting procedures.

Farage defended the party against accusations of racism, pointing to the diverse backgrounds of their candidates. He emphasized that the actions of a few individuals should not reflect on the broader party, and pledged to address internal challenges and uphold the party’s values.

Rachel Adams

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