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Nine Chairman Peter Costello Denies Assaulting The Australian Journalist at Canberra Airport



Nine Chairman Peter Costello Denies Assaulting The Australian Journalist At Canberra Airport

Former Federal Treasurer and Nine Entertainment Chairman, Peter Costello, has refuted allegations of assaulting a journalist from The Australian at Canberra Airport amidst inquiries about the media company’s harassment scandal.

A video clip capturing the incident shows Liam Mendes from The Australian attempting to question Mr. Costello regarding a harassment controversy at Nine. The footage displays a moment where Mendes falls backward after Costello appears to approach him.

Upon falling, Mendes promptly accuses Costello of assault, stating, ‘You have just pushed me, it is all on camera.’ The video further reveals Mendes persistently following Costello out of the airport, continuing his line of questioning.

Addressing reporters at Parliament House later in the evening, Costello firmly denied the assault allegations, asserting, ‘There is no assault. I did not lay a finger or a fist or anything else on him.’ Costello explained Mendes’ fall by suggesting that the journalist was walking backward while filming and tripped over an advertising bollard.

Costello dismissed claims of him being portrayed as aggressive in the footage, contending that Mendes’ actions were forceful. He expressed regret for Mendes’ fall, stating his lack of anger during the altercation. Costello further dismissed speculation suggesting his chairmanship was in jeopardy due to the incident as ‘rubbish.’

Canberra Airport confirmed they were unaware of the altercation, with ACT Policing reporting no complaints received regarding the matter. The ABC sought commentary from Mendes on the incident.

In recent months, Nine has been entangled in a series of scandalous revelations, including the departure of former News and Current Affairs Director, Darren Wick, amid allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. CEO Mike Sneesby has faced scrutiny concerning his knowledge of the claims against Wick and the terms of Wick’s departure, rumored to involve a substantial payout.

Sneesby has acknowledged the distress caused by the reports and has committed to fostering a safe and inclusive work environment at Nine. As the company navigates through these tumultuous times, the incident at Canberra Airport adds another layer of scrutiny to the media giant.

Rachel Adams

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