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NSW Origin Debutants Reflect on Series Opener Performance



Nsw Origin Debutants Reflect On Series Opener Performance
Nsw Origin Debutants Reflect On Series Opener Performance

Blues winger Zac Lomax found comfort in the high-intensity Origin environment, contrasting the experience of fellow rookie Spencer Leniu who admitted to initial self-doubt following their debut in the series opener on Wednesday night.

Lomax and Leniu were part of a revamped NSW team that showcased five debutants, displaying resilience in a challenging 38-10 defeat at Accor Stadium after the early dismissal of rookie centre Joseph Sua’ali’i in the eighth minute.

Reflecting on the match, Lomax expressed pride in the team’s courage and competitiveness amidst challenging circumstances. He highlighted the disappointment of the loss but emphasized the determination to regroup and perform better in Game II.

Rachel Adams

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