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The Paleo Diet vs. The Carnivore Diet: A Comprehensive Comparison of Two High-Protein, Low-Carb Diets



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When it comes to high-protein, low-carb diets, the paleo and carnivore diets stand out as two distinct approaches that have gained popularity in recent years. Both diets share a common emphasis on protein-rich foods and minimal carbohydrates, but they differ significantly in terms of food restrictions and nutritional principles.

Scientific American questions the accuracy of the paleo diet in reflecting Stone Age eating habits, highlighting that the modern paleo diet is heavily skewed towards protein consumption, unlike the varying diets of our ancient ancestors. While the paleo diet advocates for whole foods sourced from hunter-gatherer eras, it may not necessarily align with the historical reality of Paleolithic eating patterns.

Contrastingly, the carnivore diet, which gained traction through social media and high-profile endorsements like Joe Rogan’s, takes an even more extreme approach by solely permitting animal-derived products while excluding all plant-based foods, including fruits and vegetables. Despite claims of health benefits like weight loss and anti-inflammation, the carnivore diet lacks substantial medical research to support its long-term safety and efficacy.

The National University of Natural Medicine attributes potential weight management benefits of the paleo diet to increased fiber intake, decreased carb consumption, and improved satiety from higher protein content. However, the diet may also present short-term side effects such as the ‘low carb flu’ and constipation due to low-fiber intake.

While the paleo diet offers a range of health advantages including lower blood pressure and improved insulin levels, it may pose challenges for long-term adherence due to its restrictive nature. Registered dietitians often opt for less restrictive yet balanced diets like the Mediterranean diet as a more sustainable and well-rounded approach to healthy eating.

Harvard Medical Health warns against the potential risks associated with high-protein keto diets like carnivore, emphasizing concerns such as cardiovascular issues, kidney impairment, gout, and nutrient deficiencies. The lack of extensive medical research on the carnivore diet underscores the importance of consulting healthcare professionals before embarking on such restrictive dietary patterns.

Rachel Adams

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