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Paris Hilton Calls for Reform in Youth Treatment Facilities After Testifying to US Congress



Paris Hilton Calls For Reform In Youth Treatment Facilities After Testifying To Us Congress

Paris Hilton has urged for changes in youth treatment facilities following her testimony before the US Congress, where she recounted her traumatic experience of alleged abuse during her time at a private youth facility in Utah.

Speaking before lawmakers, Hilton detailed being ‘force-fed medications and sexually abused by staff’ during her teenage years, shedding light on the troubled teen industry.

The businesswoman criticized the industry for prioritizing profits over the well-being of vulnerable children under its care, calling for federal management under the Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act.

A report from the Department of Health and Human Services highlighted the lack of oversight in many states regarding the treatment and abuse of children in such facilities.

During her testimony, Hilton emphasized the need for the troubled teen industry to be more transparent and responsible, ensuring that abuse reporting systems are in place and best practices are implemented.

Paris Hilton also shared her advocacy for child welfare legislation while speaking at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing focused on the reauthorization of Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, which supports child welfare initiatives.

Hilton, a vocal supporter of child protection measures, revisited her past abuse experiences, recounting how she was deceived and subjected to inhumane treatment at the hands of staff members at residential treatment facilities.

As a mother of two, Hilton expressed her heartbreak over the stories of abuse endured by youth in such institutions, reiterating her commitment to being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Paris Hilton’s efforts to push for legislative changes to safeguard children in youth facilities have garnered attention, with past visits to Washington DC and engagements with White House officials to address institutionalized youth protection issues.

Through her testimonies and advocacy work, Hilton continues to shed light on the challenges faced by children in these facilities, aiming for a future where no child has to endure similar traumas in the name of treatment.

(The-CNN-Wire & 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.)

Rachel Adams

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