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Philippines Reportedly Secretly Reinforces Warship Amidst Stand-Off with China



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Last night, the Financial Times reported on the alleged secret reinforcement of the grounded warship at the center of the ongoing stand-off between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea. Citing sources familiar with the operation, the report highlighted concerns over the deteriorating state of the Sierra Madre, a grounded warship on Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands.

Over the past year, tensions have escalated as the China Coast Guard hindered Manila from resupplying the outpost, leading to confrontations including physical altercations. These actions have sparked concerns over the potential risk of the vessel collapsing.

The situation is further complicated by previous agreements and understandings between leaders like Rodrigo Duterte and China, with past promises regarding activities around Second Thomas Shoal. While assertions of secret reinforcement have been refuted by the Philippines, the Financial Times‘ claims raise questions on the evolving dynamics in the region.

Experts have differing views on the feasibility and implications of reinforcing the vessel, considering its deteriorated state. The ambiguity surrounding terms like ‘reinforcement’ and ‘repair’ further adds complexity to the situation and the perceived red lines set by China in the area.

Rachel Adams

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