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Pop Star Justin Timberlake Arrested for Alleged DUI in Long Island



Pop Star Justin Timberlake Arrested For Alleged Dui In Long Island
Pop Star Justin Timberlake Arrested For Alleged Dui In Long Island

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested in Sag Harbor, Long Island, N.Y., early Tuesday for an alleged driving while intoxicated (DUI) incident, according to reports from CBS News. The former NSYNC member remains in police custody, with further details expected to be released later today by authorities.

Timberlake is set to face arraignment on Tuesday morning in Sag Harbor with no comment yet from his representative on the situation. Currently, Timberlake is on tour promoting his latest album, ‘Everything I Thought It Was,’ with upcoming shows scheduled in Chicago over the weekend.

This unfolding story marks a surprising turn in Timberlake’s career, known for his successful music ventures and acting roles. Sag Harbor, the village where the arrest took place, is located in the picturesque Hamptons area on the eastern end of Long Island, boasting a reputation as a popular getaway for celebrities.

The news of Timberlake’s arrest is already garnering significant attention on social media and entertainment news outlets, with fans and onlookers waiting for further updates and any statements from Timberlake or his legal team.

Rachel Adams

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