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Premium Bonds Jackpot Winners Revealed in June Draw



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This month’s Premium Bonds jackpot winners have been unveiled by National Savings & Investments (NS&I), with two lucky individuals hailing from Southampton and Surrey in the latest June draw.

The initial winner, residing in Southampton, clinched the first jackpot with bond number 352QK018542, having invested a sum of £50,000 in Premium Bonds, acquired back in February 2019.

On the other hand, a second winner from Surrey, who purchased their winning bond in January 2017, bagged another £1 million prize with bond number 294DL518203, also holding £50,000 in Premium Bonds.

Despite Premium Bonds maintaining the prize fund rate at 4.4% for another month and odds of winning at 21,000 to 1 for every bond, recent efforts to attract more funds saw adjustments in the rates at NS&I.

Following the jackpot revelations, Agent Million has made visits to both winners to celebrate their luck, while over 5.9 million more prizes ranging from £25 to £100,000 remain up for grabs, totaling a hefty £455,050,550 in prizes for this month’s draw.

The breakdown of the June 2024 prize draw includes a vast array of prizes in different amounts, with the odds significantly favorable for all bondholders.

To check for their winnings, Premium Bond holders can utilize the NS&I website’s prize checker or download the official prize checker app for convenient access on smartphones, requiring the Bond Holder number and NS&I number for verification.

Alternative platforms like Amazon’s Alexa can also be set up to provide notifications on Premium Bond winnings, with the added benefit of checking prizes dating back to July 1968.

NS&I ensures most prizes are automatically processed and either deposited into the winner’s bank account or reinvested in Premium Bonds, requiring a simple check on the automatic payments setting for a hassle-free experience.

Rachel Adams

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