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Quebec Billionaire Robert Miller Arrested on Shocking Sex Offences Charges



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Reclusive Canadian billionaire Robert Miller has been arrested by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) on charges related to alleged exploitation of minors, marking a significant development since the revelations brought to light by the investigative program Enquête.

The former owner of the prominent Quebec-based company, Future Electronics, faced a total of 21 charges, including sexual assault, proxenetism, and various forms of exploitation involving adolescents.

Miller, who is reported to have been involved with 10 victims, most of whom were minors at the time of the alleged incidents, was taken into custody at his residence in Westmount, Montreal.

The investigation into Miller’s activities, spanning from the mid-1990s to 2016, was reignited following the airing of a report by Enquête in early 2023, prompting additional victims to come forward.

Despite his advanced Parkinson’s disease, Miller was released under certain conditions and is expected to appear in court on July 3, as per the SPVM.

Additional individuals associated with Miller, such as his long-time assistant Teresita Fuentes, have also been detained as part of the ongoing investigation, indicating the depth and breadth of the case.

Furthermore, the SPVM urged any potential victims or witnesses with relevant information to reach out as they continue to delve into the matter.

Miller’s arrest represents a significant turn of events in a high-profile case that has garnered substantial public attention and scrutiny.

Rachel Adams

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