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Rare Super Blue Moon Tonight!



Super Blue Moon 2024

Get ready to look up tonight, because a rare Super Blue Moon will be shining brightly in the sky! This amazing sight is happening from Monday night into Tuesday morning, and it’s not something you’ll want to miss.

The moon will appear about one-seventh larger and brighter than usual. According to Professor Richard de Grijs from Macquarie University, the best time to see it is at dusk when it will look the biggest. He suggests looking towards the horizon for the best view.

If you’re lucky enough to have a small telescope or binoculars, stargazer Benjamin Pope from the University of Queensland says this is a great chance to see Saturn’s rings along with the moon. He claims it should be a beautiful night for viewing both celestial bodies!

For those who can’t catch it tonight, the Sydney Observatory recommends checking it out on Tuesday when the moon will still look closer than usual. However, the weather might not be as clear then, so it’s best to go out early tonight, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

Across Australia, cities on the east coast are expected to have mostly clear skies tonight, while Melbourne could see some rain creeping in. On the other hand, Adelaide and Perth might miss out on a good view due to cloudy weather. Darwin, however, looks like it’s in for a clear night!

Supermoons happen about three or four times a year, and the next ones will occur on September 18, October 17, and November 16. But blue moons are a lot rarer, so get ready to wait until May 2026 for another chance to see one!

Rachel Adams

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