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Renowned Drummer Eloy Casagrande Joins Slipknot for Modern Era Kickoff



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The legendary band Slipknot recently unveiled their new drummer during a high-energy underplay in the California desert, marking the beginning of a compelling modern era for the group. Following this intimate showcase, Slipknot delivered a thrilling performance at the Sick New World festival, setting the stage for what promises to be an electrifying chapter in the band’s history.

The enigmatic figure behind the drum kit, hidden behind a striking all-white mask, proved to be none other than the esteemed percussionist Eloy Casagrande, formerly of Sepultura. Casagrande’s powerhouse presence on the drums not only paid homage to Slipknot’s raw roots from a quarter-century ago but also signified the band’s leap into a new era of music.

Putting an end to lingering speculation, Slipknot officially confirmed Casagrande’s role as their drummer, formally acknowledging the change in their lineup. This revelation coincides with the band’s preparations for an upcoming 25th-anniversary celebration in their hometown of Des Moines, along with the announcement of their North American tour dates featuring special guests Knocked Loose.

The transition to Casagrande was made public after Slipknot’s impactful shows in California and Las Vegas, with the drummer’s skills immediately impressing fans and critics alike. Casagrande’s departure from Sepultura earlier this year paved the way for this new chapter with Slipknot, replacing Jay Weinberg, who parted ways with the band last year after a decade-long tenure.

As Slipknot gears up for their tour to commemorate their self-titled album’s 25th anniversary, fans can anticipate a fusion of their classic sound with a fresh energy brought by Eloy Casagrande. The band’s recent performances and lineup change have set the stage for what promises to be a memorable and invigorating era for Slipknot.

Rachel Adams

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