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Repatriated Unknown Soldier Honored in Newfoundland Memorial Ceremony



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Amidst grey skies and rain, Newfoundland entombed its Unknown Soldier in a solemn ceremony at the National War Memorial in St. John's. This historic event marked the culmination of decades of efforts to bring the soldier home and give him a final resting place.

The ceremony commenced with cannon fire echoing from the Queen’s Battery as the Unknown Soldier arrived at the National War Memorial. Bagpipes played as pallbearers reverently carried the casket up the steps of the memorial, met with a somber silence from the thousands gathered.

Canadian Armed Forces chaplain, Lt.-Col. Shawn Samson, reflected on the sacrifice of laying down one’s life for their country, emphasizing the importance of the moment. Premier Andrew Furey, as the soldier’s ceremonial next of kin, received the flags that draped the casket, a poignant symbol of honor.

Following musical renditions including the Ode to Newfoundland, a series of gun salutes, and a poignant fly-past by the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Unknown Soldier’s remains were laid to rest in the tomb. 820 forget-me-not flowers symbolizing those without known graves were placed over the casket, signifying a profound tribute to the fallen.

The hearse, escorted by a solemn procession of Canadian Armed Forces members, made its way through St. John’s, where thousands had gathered to pay their respects. Dignitaries such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and retired general Rick Hillier were among those who laid wreaths at the memorial.

The ceremony also marked Memorial Day, a longstanding tradition in Newfoundland, remembering the sacrifice of soldiers. The Governor General Mary Simon paid tribute to all fallen soldiers, highlighting the service and courage of those who served during the First World War.

With the entombment of the Unknown Soldier, the focus shifted to the significance of memorializing those who gave their lives for their country. This poignant moment not only honored the soldier but also paid homage to all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Rachel Adams

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