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SA Reserve Bank Seizes Millions in Funds and Property from Markus Jooste’s Alleged Former Partner



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The South African Reserve Bank has taken action by confiscating R42 million in cash and a property valued at R18 million from Berdine Odendaal, rumored to be the former romantic partner of Markus Jooste, in a significant development tied to the Steinhoff accounting scandal.

These assets were initially frozen three years ago as part of the investigation into the financial irregularities at Steinhoff, where Jooste served as the CEO of the global retail giant.

Odendaal came into the spotlight after allegedly receiving a loan of R60 million from a company associated with Jooste, raising questions about the financial activities surrounding the scandal.

The confiscated funds and property will now be placed into the state’s National Revenue Fund as per the recent actions taken by the South African Reserve Bank.

Additionally, it is worth noting that the bank had previously frozen Jooste’s own assets, including a family trust valued at over a billion rand, linking him further to the repercussions of the Steinhoff controversy.

This latest development comes following Jooste’s tragic passing from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, just before he was scheduled to appear in court regarding the accounting discrepancies at Steinhoff, underscoring the ongoing fallout from the scandal.

Rachel Adams

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