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Rio Tinto Faces Potential Class Action Over Workplace Harassment, Dockers Player Honored in Emotional Funeral Service



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Former Dockers player, Cam McCarthy, was laid to rest in a moving funeral service in Fremantle, where he was remembered as a beloved athlete. His funeral saw heartfelt tributes from friends, including Eagles player Tom Barrass and Dockers captain Alex Pearce, while a number of AFL players paid their respects.

Lawyers are considering launching a class action against mining giant Rio Tinto following a report that exposed high levels of sexual harassment in its workplace. The report, commissioned as part of a WA parliamentary inquiry, revealed troubling statistics and potential legal liabilities for Rio Tinto.

A woman has criticized WA Police for their handling of the domestic violence concerns raised prior to the tragic double-murder committed by Mark Bombara. The woman highlighted communication failures between the family and the police, shedding light on the need for improved protocols in such cases.

Police Minister Paul Papalia has expressed support for immediate gun removal in cases of acrimonious breakups, following Ariel Bombara’s accusations of police inaction in the events leading up to her father’s double-homicide. He emphasized the need for legislative changes to prevent similar tragedies.

WA Police Commissioner Col Blanch has confirmed details of the interactions between police and Mark Bombara’s family before the double-murder incident, revealing shortcomings in responding to domestic violence concerns. The revelations have prompted a review into police protocols in such cases.

WA Institute of Sport gymnasts who suffered harm at the hands of coaches are set to receive compensation as part of a government initiative. The payments aim to acknowledge the trauma experienced by the athletes during their time in the WAIS Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Program.

WA Greens Senator Dorinda Cox has voiced concerns over police inaction in cases of domestic violence, calling for urgent reforms to address the prevalent issue. Cox highlighted systemic challenges in addressing violence against women and stressed the need for immediate action.

Parts of Perth experienced severe weather conditions, including hail and strong winds, causing damage and disruptions. The Bureau of Meteorology issued warnings, with more unsettled weather expected in the coming days, affecting coastal suburbs and regional areas.

Rachel Adams

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