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Rising Music Stars Navigate Challenges in Nigeria’s Music Industry



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Debutante musicians in Nigeria are facing significant challenges as they strive to break into the music industry and make a name for themselves. Despite the country’s rich music legacy that has produced notable musicians known both locally and internationally,

aspiring artists are encountering obstacles such as lack of funding, payola, copyright infringement, and privacy issues. Payola, the illegal practice of paying radio stations to play songs without disclosure, has hampered many talents.

Industry experts note that the Nigerian music scene has the potential to support numerous budding artistes and contribute significantly to the economy, but there is a gap in support and infrastructure.

Various emerging musicians share their experiences, highlighting challenges like the absence of financial backing, talent development, limited royalty systems, and distribution struggles.

One of the musicians, Ebuka Hillary, known as EbukaSongs, under Spotlite Nation, emphasises the need for genuine support and encouragement for upcoming artistes, especially in the gospel genre.

While Lillian Iheonunekwu, stage name Lilcassie, points out the difficulties faced in the industry, such as the lack of necessary contacts and the exhaustion of self-promotion as an independent artist.

Omotola Omodanisi and Sola Chinedu stress the challenges of financial constraints, team building difficulties, and the struggle to gain recognition without sufficient resources or support.

Moreover, emerging artistes like Arinze Nnamdi and Ifechukwu Raymond bemoan the lack of industry support and the uphill battle to get noticed in a competitive and sometimes unfair music landscape.

Highlighting the broader impacts, Oladipupo Lawal from Santabella Group raises concerns about the overshadowing of local talent by international companies, affecting exposure and opportunities for Nigerian artists.

Deji Awokoya of Megaelectrics emphasises the importance of perseverance and skill development over the pursuit of quick fame, urging young musicians to focus on honing their craft within local communities first.

As the industry continually evolves, DJ Lextino and Siino, an Afropop artiste, underline the growing challenges faced by emerging talents and the need for better support structures and investment in music education and infrastructure.

Industry veteran Dare Art Alade stresses the collaborative effort needed to uplift budding musicians, underscoring the importance of community support and mentorship in nurturing the next generation of Nigerian music stars.

Rachel Adams

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