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Sean Penn’s Smoking Habit Unabated During Visit to the White House



Sean Penn's Smoking Habit Unabated During Visit To The White House

During a recent appearance on ‘Live,’ renowned actor Sean Penn revealed an interesting anecdote about his visit to the White House. Apparently, even the prestigious setting couldn’t deter Penn from indulging in his inveterate smoking habit.

Penn shared that he was in attendance at President Barack Obama‘s state dinner held for Kenyan President William Ruto. Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel pointed out the no-smoking policy at the White House, to which Penn amusingly disclosed that he managed to find out where Obama snuck his cigarettes.

Despite the strict regulations, Penn admitted that he sought out the secret smoking spot from an honor guard at the White House who jovially escorted him whenever he needed a smoke break.

Amidst the banter, Kimmel humorously remarked on the irony of Penn’s tribute to Obama, given the former president’s own well-documented struggles with smoking during his time in office.

Delving deeper into the topic, Penn self-deprecatingly quipped about his addiction, joking that he had never smoked for pleasure but rather as a form of «job security for oncologists.» He also referenced a poignant quote from writer Charles Bukowski, stating, «Find something you love and let it kill you.»

The conversation between Kimmel and Penn shed light on the actor’s unapologetic approach to his smoking habit, even within the esteemed confines of the White House.

Rachel Adams

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