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Senate Clash Over Bump Stocks Ban Intensifies After Contentious Remarks



Senate Clash Over Bump Stocks Ban Intensifies After Contentious Remarks

A heated debate erupted in the Senate as Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., sharply criticized Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, over his contentious comments on the potential ban of bump stocks. The clash comes as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pushes for legislation to prohibit the firearm accessories that modify semi-automatic weapons to fire more rapidly.

Vance, a prominent figure in the GOP and a potential vice presidential candidate, labeled the focus on banning bump stocks as a ‘huge distraction,’ emphasizing the need to address the real issues surrounding gun violence in the country. He expressed skepticism that Schumer’s proposed legislation would effectively curb gun violence, suggesting it could infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans.

Responding to Vance’s remarks, Rosen passionately defended the necessity of the ban, particularly in the wake of the tragic events in Las Vegas where bump stocks played a significant role. The Nevada senator invited Vance to visit Las Vegas and witness the impact of the mass shooting firsthand, urging him to meet with families of the victims and pay respect to the fallen.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that the executive branch lacked the authority to ban bump stocks under existing law, leaving the door open for Congress to take action. Schumer announced plans to introduce legislation proposed by Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., which seeks to outlaw these firearm accessories.

Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., indicated his opposition to the bump stock ban, stating he would block the legislation from progressing through unanimous consent. Conversely, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., advocated for bipartisan support of the measure, framing it as a moderate proposal that could prevent potential mass shootings.

While some Republicans, including Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, expressed support for the ban, uncertainty remains over the path forward. Rosen reiterated her commitment to gun safety measures, emphasizing the need for legislative action to protect the public and prevent future tragedies.

Rachel Adams

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