Severe Thunderstorm Warning Issued for Elliot Lake Area
Environment Canada has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the Elliot Lake area. This warning was announced shortly after a severe thunderstorm watch was issued, highlighting the potential risk of tornadoes and strong wind gusts.
As of 11:17 a.m. EDT, meteorologists from Environment Canada are monitoring a line of severe thunderstorms capable of producing very strong wind gusts and heavy rainfall. This line of thunderstorms stretches from Mewburn Lake to 20 km southeast of Wenebegon River Provincial Park, moving eastward at a speed of 45 km/h.
The main hazard associated with this weather system includes wind gusts of up to 90 km/h, which can result in tossing loose objects, causing damage to fragile buildings, breaking branches from trees, and potentially overturning large vehicles. Residents are reminded that severe thunderstorms can also produce tornadoes.
Additionally, lightning poses a significant risk, as it can lead to injuries and fatalities. Environment Canada advises that when thunder is heard, individuals should seek shelter indoors.
Emergency Management Ontario urges residents to take cover immediately if threatening weather approaches. Severe thunderstorm warnings are issued when thunderstorms are imminent or occurring, likely to produce large hail, damaging winds, or torrential rainfall.
Residents should continue to monitor alerts and forecasts provided by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, individuals can send an email or tweet reports using the hashtag #ONStorm.