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Successful Start to Special Voting Process Ahead of South African Elections



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The Electoral Commission of South Africa has reported a smooth start to the special voting process ahead of the upcoming national elections.

On the first day of special voting, a total of 201,794 visits to voting stations were recorded, with 22,626 service points activated across the country. A dedicated team of 62,000 officials, accompanied by political party agents and observers, is working to ensure a seamless voting experience for the 624,593 voters who have qualified for special votes.

The Electoral Commission expressed satisfaction with the voter turnout during the special voting period and encouraged all eligible South Africans to participate in the main election day on May 29, 2024.

Notably, in the Eastern Cape region, where some voting stations faced disruptions due to unrelated protests, the Commission managed to open the majority of the stations as planned. Out of the 435 initially affected stations, only 107 remain closed, and efforts are ongoing to have them operational by the next day.

Special voters who have been approved for the process are reminded to cast their votes between 9am and 5pm at their designated polling stations. It is emphasized that this voting period is distinct from the regular voting hours on the official Election Day.

All special voting procedures adhere to stringent security measures to safeguard the integrity of the elections. The Commission employs various verification protocols, including the double envelope system to protect voter confidentiality.

As the election day approaches, the Electoral Commission advises the public to remain vigilant against misinformation and online scams circulating on social media platforms.

Special votes collected during the two-day period will be securely stored until Election Day, where they will be consolidated with the regular ballots for counting and tabulation.

Rachel Adams

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