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G7 Summit Focuses on Supporting Ukraine Amid Russian Invasion



G7 Summit Focuses On Supporting Ukraine Amid Russian Invasion

Leaders from the Group of Seven (G7) nations are gathered in Puglia, Italy, focusing on supporting Ukraine as it combats the ongoing Russian invasion, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressing optimism for significant decisions to aid his country.

During the summit, discussions are centering on a US proposal to leverage frozen Russian assets worth $325bn to generate $50bn annually for Ukraine’s defense and economic resilience, as per the White House.

President Zelensky also signed a security pact with Japan and is expected to do so with the US, highlighting the continued international support for Ukraine from G7 members including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the UK, and the US since Russia‘s invasion in 2022.

The frozen Russian assets, held primarily in Belgium, cannot be confiscated and transferred to Ukraine under international law. Instead, a plan is being devised to utilize the annual interest of about $3bn to secure a loan on international markets, providing $50bn annually to Ukraine while using the interest to repay the loan.

Amid heightened tensions, Russian officials have criticized the idea as "theft," with President Biden‘s security adviser, Jake Sullivan, indicating progress in finalizing the plan despite potential retaliatory threats from Russia.

Political dynamics in G7 nations, including upcoming elections in the UK, France, and Italy, add pressure on leaders such as Rishi Sunak, Emmanuel Macron, and Giorgia Meloni to deliver substantial support to Ukraine amidst the geopolitical crisis.

As the summit addresses various global challenges, including artificial intelligence, with Pope Francis attending, concerns remain about the political uncertainties in G7 countries and their impact on effective decision-making and international cooperation.

Rachel Adams

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