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Tiger Woods Starts Strong but Struggles in U.S. Open First Round at Pinehurst No. 2



Tiger Woods Starts Strong But Struggles In U.s. Open First Round At Pinehurst No. 2

Tiger Woods hopes for U.S. Open redemption at Pinehurst No. 2 in his 23rd appearance, starting alongside Will Zalatoris and Matt Fitzpatrick.

After a stellar opening birdie, Woods showed glimpses of brilliance but struggled with consecutive bogeys on the back nine.

Despite his strong driving display, Woods faltered on approach shots, leading to challenges on the tricky greens of Pinehurst.

With a consistent run of pars and a birdie mixed in, Woods showcased his resilience even amid setbacks.

The rollercoaster round saw Woods battle tough lies and tricky putts, showing signs of both vintage brilliance and competitive rust.

Despite finishing the round over par, Woods’ determination to contend was evident, setting the stage for a challenging tournament ahead.

Rachel Adams

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