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Transforming Lives Through Cuisine: The Unlikely Restaurateur Shaun Christie-David’s Inspirational Journey



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Shaun Christie-David, a unique force in the world of hospitality, has carved out a distinctive path with his restaurant empire that goes beyond traditional norms. Known for his ventures like Colombo Social, Kyiv Social, and Plate It Forward, Christie-David’s mission extends far beyond profit-making.

His remarkable journey is intertwined with the stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from war-torn regions like Afghanistan, as well as the youth at Cobham Juvenile Detention Centre. Collaborating with notable figures like Mitch Westwood and Mitch Orr, he’s been able to provide mentorship and opportunities for these individuals to thrive.

In his establishments, such as Colombo Social and Kyiv Social, Christie-David has created a safe space for marginalized communities to work and grow, with figures like Iryna Humenna, Roya Moeen, and Fatima Salim taking on key roles.

Having roots in Sri Lanka and upbringing in Australia, Christie-David’s vision reflects a blend of cultures and experiences, resonating with patrons from Sydney‘s Inner West to international locations.

His transition from corporate roles at banks like Macquarie Bank to the hospitality sector showcases a shift towards a more purpose-driven career, focusing on social impact over financial gains.

With supporters and collaborators in Melbourne, Perth, and even overseas in Singapore, Christie-David’s reach continues to expand, with each new restaurant opening bringing hope and opportunities to those in need.

Rachel Adams

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