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Travel Guides Explore Florida’s Wild Side in Latest Adventure



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The Travel Guides recently embarked on an exciting journey to Florida, swapping Australia’s cool temperatures for America’s sunny state. Led by the enthusiastic host of the show, the team, comprised of holiday enthusiasts and best friends alike, were eager to explore new horizons.

Driving north from Miami to Port Canaveral, the Guides delved into the heart of gator country, leaving beaches behind for the mysterious swamps. Their first stop was Jungle Adventures, a gator park with a legacy spanning over five decades, boasting a collection of more than 200 of these swamp-dwelling predators.

Upon arrival, Karly and Kevin found themselves facing their fears as they stepped gingerly towards the gator feeding platform. The putrid stench of decaying chicken overwhelmed them, yet the adrenaline of the moment pushed them to attempt a daring gator feeding session.

For adventurous Kevin, the experience went beyond feeding; he ventured into the water to interact with the gators firsthand, much to the astonishment of his fellow Guides. Despite the frightful encounter, the team emerged unscathed, marveling at the magnificence of these creatures.

In search of a different perspective, the Guides took to the skies through parasailing, offering unparalleled views of Miami’s iconic South Beach. While most embraced the exhilaration of soaring above the sea, some, like Bri and Dorian, found themselves overcome with fear, resulting in a mix of laughter and screams.

Following their Miami escapades, the team set course for the Bahamas, landing at Sandy Toes, a paradise where pigs roam freely on the beach. The Guides immersed themselves in a day-long adventure, captivated by the charm and uniqueness of this secluded island sanctuary.

During their visit, the Fren family made a memorable encounter with a floating object, bringing humor and spontaneity to their already eventful trip. With the Bahamas behind them, the Guides eagerly anticipate their next destination, promising more excitement and laughter in the episodes to come.

Rachel Adams

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