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Understanding the Hair Loss Phenomenon in Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy: The Case of Hina Khan



Understanding The Hair Loss Phenomenon In Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy: The Case Of Hina Khan
Understanding The Hair Loss Phenomenon In Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy: The Case Of Hina Khan

Television actress Hina Khan is amidst battling breast cancer, a fight that often comes with visible changes like hair loss. After completing her first session of chemotherapy, Hina decided to shave off her hair, a common choice for cancer patients.

Hina Khan’s recent appearance with her new hairstyle has garnered admiration for her courage and determination in facing the challenges posed by cancer treatment.

Chemotherapy, a common cancer treatment, often leads to hair loss as the powerful drugs target rapidly growing cells, including hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. Additionally, radiation therapy can also contribute to hair loss during cancer treatment.

While hair loss is a common concern during cancer treatment, not all patients experience it to the same degree. Various medications used in chemotherapy have different impacts on hair loss.

Side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy can include hair thinning or baldness. The issue of hair loss typically arises about three weeks after starting the treatment, with hair falling out first from the scalp and then gradually from other parts of the body.

It is important to note that not all patients lose their hair permanently due to chemotherapy. In many cases, hair starts to grow back three to five months after treatment ends. Efforts can be made to strengthen and rejuvenate the hair post-treatment.

Rachel Adams

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