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Inside the Unpredictable World of Ministerial Reshuffles: A Director of Communications Perspective



Inside The Unpredictable World Of Ministerial Reshuffles: A Director Of Communications Perspective
Inside The Unpredictable World Of Ministerial Reshuffles: A Director Of Communications Perspective

Recalling the nerve-wracking moments preceding ministerial reshuffles, Abigail Morris, a former director of communications, sheds light on the unpredictable nature of meeting new secretaries of state and navigating their unique communication preferences.

The abrupt transitions often left Morris with a sense of unease, compounded by the lack of advance notice before new ministers assumed their roles. As she reflects on her experiences at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Morris recounts the challenge of adapting quickly to ministerial changes without the luxury of time for proper farewells.

With expectations of an impending ministerial reshuffle under Keir Starmer‘s leadership, Morris anticipates a more structured transition this time. Recognizing the importance of team coordination and readiness for the incoming minister’s directives, she contrasts this prospect with past instances of ministers’ sudden departures and the frantic adjustments that followed.

From engaging in initial meetings with the new minister to addressing their communication preferences, Morris paints a vivid picture of the intricate dance involved in aligning departmental messaging with the minister’s voice and priorities. Highlighting the delicate balance between showcasing established strategies and adapting to a new leader’s vision, Morris shares anecdotes of past encounters with ministers from varied backgrounds.

One memorable episode involved orchestrating a photo op with Grant Shapps in a ‘famous’ building lift during his tenure as business secretary, showcasing the department’s energy schemes under Liz Truss. However, unexpected challenges arose during Jacob Rees-Mogg’s term, notably involving social media presence and public interactions that reshaped the department’s communication strategies.

Moreover, Morris delves into the shift ministers face in media engagement, transitioning from relative freedom to stringent control under central office guidelines. She navigates the complexities of media management grids, illustrating the constraints and opportunities that come with a centralized communication structure overseen by No 10.

As a seasoned communications professional, Morris also underscores the significance of internal communications and campaign execution within government departments. From coordinating all-staff events to managing public health initiatives, she outlines the multifaceted responsibilities tied to supporting a minister’s image while aligning with departmental objectives.

Morris offers insights into the ever-evolving landscape of ministerial communications, emphasizing the need for adaptability and strategic alignment in navigating ministerial reshuffles. With a hopeful outlook on potential changes under Starmer’s leadership, she envisions a more stable future for ministerial teams, ushering in a new era of continuity and consistency.

Rachel Adams

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