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Venomous Black Widow Spider Found in Ontario Shopper’s Grapes



Venomous Black Widow Spider Found In Ontario Shopper's Grapes
Venomous Black Widow Spider Found In Ontario Shopper's Grapes

An Oakville shopper was shocked to discover a venomous black widow spider in a bag of grapes purchased from Walmart. Ginette Guidi was washing the grapes when she noticed the spider and managed to capture it without anyone getting hurt.

Black widows are rare in Canada but can occasionally arrive in imported produce from the southern United States or Mexico. The spider expert Jon Spero from the Toronto Zoo confirmed the spider’s identity through photos provided by CTV News Toronto.

Guidi’s husband had purchased the grapes from Walmart as a healthy snack. The discovery of the black widow spider left Guidi in total shock, but she made sure to handle the situation with caution.

The Toronto Zoo provided insight into the black widow spider, emphasizing its venomous nature and the potential harm it can cause. While not typically fatal, a black widow’s bite can lead to severe pain, muscle cramps, and fever.

Walmart Canada responded by highlighting their commitment to food safety and launched an investigation following the incident. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency advises safely disposing of such pests found in imported produce.

Guidi, relieved that her family remained unharmed, is currently keeping the black widow spider in a container on their balcony. However, regulations suggest that such pests should be carefully killed and disposed of rather than studied.

Rachel Adams

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