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Warning Issued for Uncle Frog’s Mushroom Gummies After Hospitalisations



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A public health alert has been issued by NSW Health following a series of hospitalisations linked to the consumption of Uncle Frog’s Mushroom Gummies. At least five individuals across NSW have been admitted to hospitals after experiencing unexpected toxicity symptoms from ingesting the brand’s Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane gummies since April.

Patients reported a range of concerning symptoms including nausea, seizure-like episodes, anxiety, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. The severity and nature of these reactions have prompted health authorities to advise against the consumption of these products.

Dr. Darren Roberts, the medical director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre, has emphasized the importance of avoiding Uncle Frog’s Mushroom Gummies. Investigations are underway to determine the exact composition of the products that led to these adverse effects.

NSW Health has initiated collaboration with other states and territories to further investigate this matter and prevent similar incidents in the future. In the meantime, individuals in possession of these products are urged to safely dispose of them, keeping them out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion.

If anyone experiences the symptoms mentioned or feels unwell after consuming these gummies, they are advised to contact the NSW Poisons Information Centre at 13 11 26. In cases of severe illness, immediate assistance should be sought by dialing Triple Zero.

Rachel Adams

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