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Western Cape Electoral Commission Urges Early Voting Participation with Extended Hours



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The Electoral Commission in the Western Cape is appealing to voters not to wait until the last minute to join the queue. Voting stations will be open until 9 pm, and everyone in the queue at that time will be allowed to vote, however long it may take.

Provincial electoral head Michael Hendrickse said statistics from the past indicate most voters turn out in the late morning into the early afternoon. But he said plans are in place to ensure latecomers don’t hold up the start of counting for too long.

“We start splitting the queue up so that we can create an additional stream for voters so you have an extra voter management device. You take the voters roll and you split it alphabetically into two parts. So that’s something we can do depending on what’s happening at that particular queue.”

Meanwhile, Hendrickse said he’s comfortable that hot spot areas – be it for crime or protests will be adequately covered by police.

“From the IEC’s side also we have employed conflict mediators that we will use and deploy if and when they are required. We use panellists. Panellists are essential local community leaders – they can be church ministers, community activists. People who are known in the community, so if there is a particular challenge, we will ask them to engage with the community with the view to ensuring that let the elections take place.”

Rachel Adams

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