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Whately Town Meeting Concerns Addressed by Resident



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Concerns over the handling of the recent Whately Town Meeting have been addressed by a resident, Ruth Leahey, who expressed disappointment in the lack of consideration for senior citizens during the outdoor gathering on June 18.

Despite the high temperatures, the meeting took place outdoors, with only 82 attendees, prompting Leahey to advocate for utilizing the air-conditioned Whately Town Hall to accommodate residents more effectively.

Leahey highlighted the ongoing debate surrounding the town’s ZIP code, pointing out the division between West Whately and East Whately and the issues associated with potentially merging into a single code.

The resident emphasized the importance of accurate address information for emergency services, suggesting a collaborative effort among local organizations to implement an Emergency Call Plaque system.

Her proposal includes involving the police, fire, and emergency departments, as well as community groups like the Grange and the South County Senior Citizen Center, to ensure prompt and accurate responses during emergencies.

Leahey also reflected on the town’s recent milestones, such as the 250th anniversary celebration and the Memorial Day parade, emphasizing the unity among residents from different ZIP codes during these events.

Overall, her message encourages collaboration, respect for diverse perspectives, and the importance of community solidarity in addressing local issues.

Rachel Adams

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