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Whately Town Meeting Turns Controversial Over ZIP Code Issue



Whately Town Meeting Turns Controversial Over Zip Code Issue
Whately Town Meeting Turns Controversial Over Zip Code Issue

The recent Whately Town Meeting held on June 18 stirred controversy among residents due to the reemergence of the ZIP code issue, prompting heated discussions and diverging opinions among attendees.

Despite the scorching temperatures outside, with concerns raised over the well-being of senior citizens, the meeting was held in an outdoor setting rather than the accommodating $1 million renovated Town Hall, which was capable of hosting the attendees with air conditioning.

While only 82 individuals were present at the meeting, the decision not to relocate to the Town Hall left many questioning the consideration given to the community’s comfort and accessibility.

The debate resurfaced over the contentious ZIP code matter, largely instigated by a retired town employee who has been advocating for a unified ZIP code for Whately, stirring discord among residents.

There exists a longstanding divide within the town, not only geographically split by I-91 but also socially divided into ‘East Whately’ and ‘West Whately,’ each with its own perceptions and prejudices that further complicate the ZIP code deliberation.

While proponents argue for a singular ZIP code as a unifying force, opponents highlight the logistical challenges and financial burden such a transition would place on both residents and local businesses.

Amidst the ZIP code turmoil, the unity displayed during events like the recent 250th Whately celebration and the inclusive Memorial Day parade serve as reminders of the town’s innate sense of community.

Proposals for a collaborative initiative involving various community organizations, such as the Fire Department, TRIAD, and the South County Senior Citizen Center, to introduce an ‘Emergency Call Plaque’ system aimed at enhancing emergency response efficiency and accuracy have surfaced.

With a focus on inclusivity and cooperation, the town seeks to bridge divides, foster understanding, and move towards a shared future that embraces the diverse perspectives within Whately.

Rachel Adams

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